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Guidelines Posters + Presentations

Oral Presentations

1. Length of the presentation

For presentations scheduled in a 15 minute slot, we recommend 12 min of presentation and 1-2 minutes of questions from the audience.
For presentations with a 30 minute slot, we suggest 25 min of presentation and 3-4 minutes of questions.

We will help you to keep the time by showing signs, and we will show an “end” sign after 14 minutes (29 min for 30 min presentations) to have some time to switch over to the next speaker.

We ask all speakers to stick to the allowed time, to ensure a smooth succession of the talks.

2. Presentation format

We recommend to prepare your presentation in the format 16:9.

3. Submit your presentation

We appreciate if you send us your oral presentations the day before your presentation is scheduled.

The absolutely deadline is 07:00 in the morning on the day of your talk.

Please follow the instructions sent to you (email) and upload your files to the Sikt upload system and note that we will note accept delivered to us on USB pens.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us via

4. General recommendation

The symposium is a cross-disciplinary meeting. Therefore, we ask you to avoid 1) abbreviations only known to parts of the audience and 2) language tailored to absolute specialists.
Instead, we hope that your talk can be understood by everybody present (scientists, reference group, students,…) and foster a enhanced understanding of the past, present and future Arctic Ocean.

Poster Presentations

1. Dimensions of the poster wall

The poster walls are in portrait format.
They fit poster in A0 size (1189 x 841 mm).

2. Put up your poster

You can put up your poster on the day of your poster presentation (either on 7 November or 8 November) from 08:30 in the morning.

Please use the poster wall that is marked with your poster number.
(You find the poster number in the email about the abstract acceptance or on our webpage – Poster Session A, B, C or Poster Session D, E, F and future Arctic next to your abstract; e.g., “Poster F1” or “Poster B12”)

Poster tape will be available to put up the posters.

3. Printing your poster

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to offer poster printing. If you need to print you poster in Tromsø, we recommend to take contact with Lyreco.