Plenary Session:
The future Arctic Ocean: projections, processes, implications, and uncertainties
This plenary starts with two keynote talks that provide a more general understanding on how the future Arctic Ocean may look like. The keynotes will be followed by oral presentations on more specific topics.
Keynote talks
09:00-09:30 Keynote talk 6:
The future Arctic sea ice: Key drivers and regional variabilities
Marius Årthun (University of Bergen, Norway)
09:30-10:00 Keynote talk 7
Science for use talk
Turning science into use – where do we stand?
Marianne Kroglund (Norwegian Environment Agency, Norway)
AbstractOral Presentations
Session Chairs: Marius Årthun, Céline Heuzé, Martí Amargant Arumí, Natalie SummersSession Description: Read more here